torsdag 21 oktober 2010

My days in Spain

We flew to Spain last Tuesday and we arrived to Berga about two o'clock. We went home to the families and had lunch. Then we went out with some friends from the comenius. Then we went home to sleep. In the Wednesday we went to school (wich looks like a prison) and we went to the library. We were showed around the school. Then we had lunch and then we went back to school. Then we went home to eat dinner and then we slept. This Thursday we went to school and then we went to a cafe to make traditional Catalan candy. Then we went home to have lunch and then we had the day off.


tisdag 18 maj 2010

I odn't really know how ro do this... XD

I'm not really good att blogging, as you can see. XD" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" menu="false" style="width:420px;height:297px" flashvars="mode=embed&" />

måndag 22 mars 2010

Sobre mí

Hola! Me llamo Maria Preinitz Gärdinge y tengo 13 años.
Vivo en Suecia, en una ciudad que se llama Västervik.
Mi cumpleaños es el 6 noviembre.
En mi tiempo libre me gusta jugar el ordenador, estar con amigos y dibujo.
Me colores favorito es naranja.

Me gusta animales mucho.
Mis animales favoritos es los gatos.
